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"5 Essential Spring Maintenance Tips for Your Home"

With Spring just around the corner, its time to begin preparing for the warm weather ahead. And just like with the old pastime of "Spring Cleaning," its time to take a look around the house and make a note of any maintenance items. Take the time to run through the home and ensure that all of your homes major systems and components are functioning as they should. Here is a quick rundown of the Top 5 most essential Spring Maintenance Tips.

Take A Look At The Roof- We don't have to worry about snow here in Florida, but getting a ladder out of the garage/ shed and doing a visual inspection to the roof can be instrumental in getting an idea for the health of the roof. You want to look for loose shingles, signs of granular loss from the shingles ( take a look at the gutters for evidence of granules collecting), curled shingles and signs of moss or algae growth. You will also want to take a look at the vents, boots to ensure the seals are in good shape. If a vent boot deteriorates, the space between the boot and the vent pipe can serve as an entry point for water, which can further seep into other parts of the roofing system and ceiling. Always consult a roofing expert if you should have any questions or concerns. Here at Garner Home Solutions, we can provide a roofing inspection on your behalf to better assist with your real estate investment.

Give Your AC Some Attention

Remove debris from around the unit, replace filters and clean ducts and vents. Ensure that your AC compressor unit has proper free clearance for ventilation. Make sure shrubs, bushes or trees are touching the AC unit. Set a calendar reminder four times a year (every 3 months) to remind you to check the filters. If your filters are clogged, air can't easily pass through and your unit must work harder to cool your home. Clogged filters can lead to lower air quality in your home. Don't skip this step; you may be able to lower your energy consumption by up to 15%.You can also schedule a professional tune-up. An expert AC technician can check your system's efficiency, check coolant levels and address any issues before the summer heat arrives.

Check in on your Water Heater-

Unlike other systems and components of your home, the water heater is one that is most commonly missed for regular routine maintenance. It is a good idea to flush the hot water heater and to check on the heating element inside. Build up of sediment at the bottom of traditional water heaters as well as minerals in hard water can reduce the efficiency of water heaters. As always, please refer to the manufacture's manuals for maintenance instructions.

Repair and Reseal Woodwork-

Check around your fence, decks, steps, wood siding, and wood trim for signs of bare wood or defects. Bare wood allows moisture to be soaked into causing wood to expand/ contract as well as provide an opportunity for mold/ mildew growth. We want to make sure that we are addressing all wood defect issues to preserve and enhance the longevity of our home.

Inspect Doors and Windows-

Visually walk around the home to check the caulking and seals around doors and windows. Do not go cheap with the silicone caulk, make sure that it is a UV rated for exterior use. Silicone or Silicone-Latex is the preferred choice for exterior applications. Also be sure to check for the weatherstripping around the doors, we are wanting to make sure that we do not have a compromised seal. A bad door seal can negatively affect the energy efficiency of the home as well as allow pollutants, dust, other impurities into the conditioned space of the home. Garner Home Solutions can provide reports based on the observable conditions around your home to assist making critical decisions for your real estate investment.


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